You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 5.4.4. Transactions - Invoice/Modify Accrued Retentions > Invoicing/Completing Accrued Retentions

Invoicing/Completing Accrued Retentions

Retentions that have been accrued for a job can be recalled and invoiced (processed) when the job has been completed. You can also modify a retention invoice that has been issued incorrectly.


Micronet displays a list of job cards.

  1. Select a job from the listing.

Micronet displays the Complete Retentions screen with a listing of all the retentions that have been accrued for this job.

  1. Double click on the progress claim with the retention to be invoiced or adjusted, or select a progress claim and press Enter.


Technical Tip

Alternatively, select all retentions for invoicing by selecting EDIT | SELECT ALL.

Micronet displays the Enter Amount to Claim screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Claim Number

Micronet displays the claim number.


Invoice No

Micronet displays the invoice number.



Micronet displays today's date or the date the accrued retentions were invoiced.


Invoice Amount

Micronet displays the invoice total.


Retention Amount

Micronet displays the amount of retentions that have been accrued for the job.

  Now Claiming If you are invoicing accrued retentions, enter the amount of retention that you want to claim.
  Retention Adjustment If you are modifying a retention invoice that has been issued incorrectly, enter the amount of retention to be reversed.
  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Complete Retentions screen. An asterisk (*) is displayed at the left of any selected line. Micronet updates the total invoiced amount in the Now Claiming field.

  1. If you are:


Technical Tip

If you have posted a retention adjustment, the remaining steps in this procedure do not apply. Instead, you need to print the adjusted invoice using the Reprint Invoice program in the Distribution System (refer to "Sales - Reprint Invoice").

Micronet displays the Invoice Total screen.

  1. Enter any extra charges to be added and included in your invoice total e.g. handling fee.
  1. Select the OK button.

Micronet prints and processes your invoice.